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Project Management

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Quantum Utilities

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Email: info@quantumutilities.com

Tel: +44 (0) 7438814442

507 Channelsea House Canning Road, London. E15 3ND

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Quantum Utilities project management is a multi-faceted discipline, which offers bespoke service to clients in a variety of markets and industry sectors. We deliver flexible, tailored, results-driven project management from experienced, dedicated people.

We focus on teamwork and understanding of our clients business needs to assist in the full spectrum of project delivery, from inception to completion; ensuring successful delivery by managing solutions during all stages and fulfilling requirements in respect of time, cost, quality, sustainability and safety.
This approach offers significant benefits particularly in maintaining control of time scales and the identification of key activities, milestone dates and project constraints.

Design, build and commisioning of a service reservoir tankOur solutions-driven approach allows us to assist clients through project delivery and provide strategic and asset management advice throughout the lifetime of our relationship. This includes the secondment of senior technical staff to deliver clients strategic objectives.

Our priority is always to understand clients business and provide flexible, high quality professional services and solutions that meet their objectives.

Throughout the project life we work closely with all stakeholders including the design team, and manage expectations to achieve the most cost-effective solution. Our team has extensive experience in procurement and cost control. We are skilled in design and construction economics and work with clients to explore development options, procure projects on their behalf and act as employers agent or client representative when appropriate.

At Quantum Utilities, we recognise the successful outcome of any project requires careful financial planning and control. Our cost managers are committed to ensuring that clients financial requirements are fully understood and met. The team draws on experience from a range of projects in various market sectors for public and private clients. Innovative use of materials, different methods of procurement and construction, new energy systems and re-cycling are some of the issues taken into account in achieving our aim of helping clients to achieve best value and sustainable solutions.

Strategic Support

Financial feasibilities, Technical studies, Cost advice and control, Stakeholder consultation and involvement, Procurement advice, Client service reviews, Interim management, Programme planning and management, Risk management, Value management, Supply chain management, Project control and co-ordination


Contract procedures and working arrangements, Site investigations and evaluation, Site surveys, Selection and appointment of additional consultants and specialists, Planning consents and statutory approvals, Tender preparation and administration, Value management and engineering, Dispute resolution


Team leadership and co-ordination, Monitoring construction works, Client reports and liaison, Monitoring defects liability and maintenance provisions, Our dedicated teams, working in partnership with clients with focus on obtaining best value whilst providing creative solutions.

Cost Management Services

We offer cost management services for all aspects of constructions. These include;
Option and investment appraisals, Feasibility cost estimates and advice, Cost planning and modelling, Procurement strategy and advice, Cashflow forecasts, Preparation of tender and contract documentation, Bills of quantities and schedules of rates production, Pre and post contract cost management, Partnering contracts and strategy, Traditional contracts, Schedules of work, Final account negotiation and agreement, Administration and analysis of tenders, Elemental cost breakdowns, Leaseholder and recharge cost advice, Contractual advice and dispute resolution, Whole life cost studies including a life cycle and cost in use approach, Risk management and analysis, Value engineering and management, Benchmarking, Valuation and final accounts, Commercial and financial management.

Construction Design Management

Quantum Utilities can act as client's key project advisor on health and safety, risk management and information management between client, designers and contractors. Detailed services include:

  • Advising on the competence of members of the design team and the adequacy of resources allocated to the project prior to appointment being confirmed.
  • Advising on the competence of the principal and other contractors and the adequacy of resources on project prior to their appointment.
  • Advise client whether project is notifiable, and where necessary prepare documents to notify the Health and Safety authority.
  • Co-ordinate design work, planning and other preparation for construction where relevant to health and safety.
  • Identify and collect pre-construction information, advising client if surveys need to be commissioned to fill significant gaps
  • Prepare Pre-Construction Information for prospective principal contractors.
    Manage flow of Health and Safety information between clients, designers and contractors
  • Ensure welfare facilities are provided on site from start of construction works; Produce relevant, user friendly health and safety file for future use at the end of the construction period.
  • Optional site safety audits to assist clients discharge duty under the regulations, with particular reference to need to monitor implementation of health and safety arrangements established, for the duration of projects.
  • Check principal contractor's Construction Phase H&S Plan and review any existing Health and Safety File
  • Ensure co-operation between designers.
  • Ensure that all designers eliminate or reduce construction risks.
  • Check all risk assessments and method statements
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